Learn basic electric theories with a lot of exercises.
Learn how to use a circuit simulator with the attached circuit simulator functions.
The Concept and Objective
The concept of IS Book is to provide easy-to-read and fun-to-analyze engineering textbooks
to engineers and engineering students.
As the world is reaching to so called, "ubiquitous world,", the technology around us is
progressing so rapidly, and the demands for the electronic technology and its specialists
are increasing more than ever.
We strongly believe that knowing basic electric and electronic theories is the key to
keep up with the progress of technology.
While developing an interactive circuit simulator, CircuitViewer, we used our technical knowledge
to create Interactive Simulation Books (IS Books) which describe and analyze the basic
theories of engineering aiming to help engineers and students to keep up with
the progressing technology.
New type of ebook
IS Book is not an ordinal e-book with PDF files that you see online or in stores. It is not
a book which has the circuit simulator and analysis exercises in a separate CD-ROM from a textbook.
IS Book has its circuit simulator tools within the book along with the contents and
exercises. With these circuit simulation tools, you can check and see the analysis results
of the circuits in the book while reading the contents of the book.
Covering Basic Theories
IS Book covers the basic electric or electronic theories, which are necessary
for engineers to know when they design their own circuits.
Exercises with Simulations
IS Book provides various exercises in each chapters. These exercises include simulation
exercises. You will actually analyze various circuits with simulation tools, such as an oscilloscope
and a frequency analyzer.